Yeah it is. What exactly can you see from the video? I just see James on his radioactively green mount and a bunch of laggy AoEs. Pretty much nothing.
Shoulda gone with that my friend because right now, that vid ain't worth clicking on.
That vid quality was dreadful and all I could see was your butt/tempest/HF/BR at 5 frames per second.
So is DW the last server to kill Harpy (other than RT)? I saw HL (Kylin), LC (CQ), Sanc (Regicide, Nefarious/Eminence), and HT (Enrage) all on youtube. Although Kylin was only 2 weeks before.
I don't know what's more sad. A lvl 8x character without oracles in 1 month or a lvl 8x character with oracles.
lol wtf...
barbs with charms are not impossible to take down on your own.
i doubt a barb could solo nirvana in a reasonable amount of time even with +11 refines.
really magichamsta? do you feel like you have to post on every single topic in the forums? don't be a mizuoni.
i wonder what you mean by that? you obviously haven't been to our west arch. i doubt it's much "emptier" than yours.
miz, arma gave up their territory and took immolation camp. then cala amazingly attacked arma instead of eq for the first time in like. . .ever. now arma's territory-less again (for now at least).
what about elemental invocation? is that worth getting? the description is too long to my tastes haha.
and this is skewed because maybe the personalities of sage wizzes make them more inclined to roam forums aimlessly and do random polls XD