oimio Arc User


  • AndromedaB - would probably be level 105 if she spent grinding as much time as she did on the forums... 985 posts b:scorn YngWiE - last level for RM gamma b:bye Nayiro - lvl 81 BM
  • fleshream is a bugged skill; the gms and devs admit it, other venos admit it it deals the same amount of dmg on a person as it would do to a mob.. (before factoring in resistances) its totally ridiculous but what can u do its a cash pet get over it and move on even if archer's had a way to counter magic that wouldn't make…
    in Most OP class Comment by oimio June 2009
  • the only cleric that i can think of who got banned by the gms is XCLUESIVeMei for attacking a GM in room 1 of cube b:chuckleb:laugh OH NOES!!! not exclusivemei =( b:sadb:sad
  • God i hope ur right ive heard rumors of genies having to be fed mirage stones thatd hurt b:surrenderb:surrender
  • I used to hate Outlaw cuz the majority of the ppl that I met from there were a~holes... but now I feel bad for them getting ripped apart from other factions. enjoy yur territory tps and weekly payout while u can guys. cuz come this weekend and u guys r sayonara b:bye sounds like someone has fat fingers.. i think id have an…
  • Really well organized fun faction~ was a bit disappointed in the lack of enforcement when some neffies were trash talking after last weekend's battle with steel tho... still all in all a great faction with lotsa territory teleports b:dirtyb:dirty
  • The most hated players in my book are Zidane_ and TearValerin, hands down. Two of the most annoying ppl that I know in Sanctuary. You two should become best friends and **** each other. b:byeb:bye
  • I voted other.. DEATH TO SHIKYURA!! *RAWR* O.o y'all gotta show sarendena a lil bit more love.. its cuz of peeps like him that this game remains free b:laughb:chuckleb:pleased