- there you go, the mail is in french(ARC EU), but the there is no sign of Phishing (Before i am asked to give the full link, i am not going to do so because it shows some sensitive info: email & who knows someone might be able to get access to the account useing url ids etc ..)
well I don't think so, the mail can be viewed on :S
Interesting 4Y mount, anyone can give me it's speed, lvl requirement? Bound to account or character?
Arrivals & Departures is my favorite b:victory
b:shocked i dropped about 100 of these 'cause i though they were uselessb:cry
Hope they add Storage stones :) b:cool
My vote gose to Zoe b:victory Comeon people she's the most experienced!
U dont have anything else to say? wat now? "omg he wrote "U" instead of "You". PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Are you DAM STUPID???? The ONLY reason they couldn't add PWI to Perfectworld.EU is that there is already Perfect World MS. PWE respects EU players, they even made a whole new company for em + u can play from EU clients ON US servers! So just SHUT THE **** OFF!
There is NO PWI at perfectworld.EU, so EU players can complain about PWI!
I wont brother: HT is offline, as simple as that! BRING THE SERVER BACK!
Yep Thank youb:chuckle Btw I was wondering if it was possible to transfer the mount to a new char i will make after the next expansion....
Don't be sad guys; the mount is bound anyway ... Btw u got x2 exp reward ! b:laugh
If you are realy lucky and keep geting 50stuff. U ill need to buy at least 200boxes=100gold. But its rather like u ill need to buy at least 400 or 500.
They should add a cs item, alowing you to get the new quest befor lv 70. You could do it with a good party.
"Keep in mind that access to 'The Lost Empire' will require characters to be at a minimum level of 70 in order to start the quest chain that allows entry to these new zones. " Talk to General Summer in Archosaur to get started(lv70)....and you ill see...
So if i understand well, You cant get to the new area if you are not lv at least 70...
Ill never buy that, its point less...
One of my avatar lv is said"lv1" but my char is lv 32...b:chuckle >>I just lved and it was fixed... b:victory<<
"Perfect World is one of the leading Free to Play game portals in North America. All of our games are 100% Free to Play and require no credit card to register. No one is ever required to pay!"b:victory It seems a nice game, im waiting the beta...
remember that there will be only 3winers. How many will be counted into the "give away"? 100?200?300? Unfortunetly your chance of geting a DS(I ve already 1 :p) seems to be under 1%.
Hmm interesting, I ve read somewhere that there will be nearly 1,000 new monsters, 100 new pieces of armor, scores of new magic weapons, and thousands of newly added tasks b:thanks LOL
salut, Et oui quand -on parle du loup... T'sais ya plein de personnes francais... T'inquiete po...
you know what , u can just go back to pw-my. As to me what i see is this: an improuving game, not like pw-my or other f2p boring games. Besides do you think a game sould be made to make people lv fast? The problem with pw-my is that charm's prices re too low, so u see people lv realy fast. Yes i do agree that its unfair to…
nop u re not the only 1. I noticed small unormal lags too... I live paris, get ping<100ms. Usually it doesnt lag for me, but for few days now, it lags , take 1sec to do an action... Strange, strange... Too many people i guess :),
blablabla you re posting in wrong place... *a female carrying a male isnt naturel, evrybodys knows that females re weak haha.. ;) By the way i totaly agree with your textures stuff :D
spent 0, waiting for new clothes...mounths ect.
hmm hmm lets see what time its. Will we get even better ping thx to the new server? We will see... ;) Any idea when realy new cs clothes will be avalible?
stop posting petitions for evrything!
There is no deference btw east and west servers.