nopuls Arc User


  • Thx for the input. I am gonna run some more calcs, but i am a little further in my decisionmaking-process.
  • @typhyse By HA-ornaments i meant the TT99-ones and by going expensive one of the aftermentioned options in the range of 500mil coins. So the thread-title should be correct ;) /edit: just thought about it again and see my mistake. Should have gone with "TT99 or go expensive" @dayoo Well, there are some "pro-players" who…
  • @olbaze Thx for your answer even if you felt the need to insult my previous post in the process. Allthough i don't quite understand your remark about differening costs. Going for either the defensive option with gear or the offensive option with shards and use the rest of the money for refines is resulting in the exact…
  • i would guess after about 7 hours.
  • i sent my ticket yesterday in the afternoon (MEZ) and got a reply with a link to type in a new password after a couple of hours. thx pwi (just to let people know, that they are working on it)
  • i cannot remember which email i used for my main (=oldest) account, and i now i cannot log in anymore. allready sent a mail, but i guess it will take a terribly long time to answer all those mails (would have been nice to play a couple of hours on the weekend after a 50hours week). i really cannot support pwi's choice in…