noheaven23 Arc User


  • At 65 with TT60 daggers and decent gear I am able to kill mages 7x-8x so long as my shadow jump lands, barbs 6x and 7x if there armor isn't up to par, Clerics 6x-7x, bms 6x, archers depend how much they dodge :/ I made my own build so its not your classic 1 vit 4 dex but it works well. The only class I can see that sin's…
  • b:surrender QQ? Harsh lands is like any pvp server on any game to be quite honest with all of you. I just don't see what is so horrible about it.. I RPK all the time and always did up until i left a few months ago.. Now that I'm back I still RPK and RPK on my new alt.. There's always going to be people who QQ and complain…