You probably play your cleric wrong, because clerics are fine. Cleric can spam purify so you cannot compare with a psy. Clerics are much better than mystics to keep someone alive, a mystic cannot purify and we all know how op debuffs are. As for the charm preventing, you probably didnt read what the other guy said, he said…
Clerics are fine...
My channel:
I agree
I like these new anti stun and the ultimate skill. But I don't really like the new last stand so I didn't take it.
What are you talking about?? stuck in the air?? how is that even possible, I never heard or seen anything or this... And I agree on Roar, seekers puting barb in the wall should get banned, this is really a shame to the class..
it is 100% but the effect doesnt work if the hit puts an effect like Northern Sky Waltz
The Last Stand ticks even if the charm is ready to tick
Joe, the new Last Stand is not good, for just one reason, it activates before hp charm, so its easilly wasted. For example, if my hp is at 55% and a hit would bring my hp to 39% (the last stand activate when below 40%) the Last Stand will activate even if the charm is ready to tick, so it will just do the charm job and…
I dont like the new Last Stand for one reason only: The skill tick once hp get lower than 40%, BUT what i dont like is that it ticks before the charm. So if my hp is at 55%, i get a hit that bring me to 35%, the Last Stand will tick even if the charm is ready to tick.
Who are you to trash talk like that?? Good fights are when it last more than 10min which we often had when fighting the squads of other servers when they even outnumber us. But now nation wars are empty and we get no challenge, which we had in the cross server.
Pros: None Cons: not enough ppl, no good fights I want cross server nation back
At lvl 78 you can easy make 2 or 3 levels per day with only quests...
Actually with what I see in my task manager and in MSI afterburner, pwi uses all my core between 25 and 40% (when the client is active)
Its very easy for me as a seeker to kill an archer... Most Seekers are dumb and just spam SS and hope for zerk/crit, they dont know how to stun lock, they dont know how to combo properly.. I would say that BMs are a bit OP in 1v1 due to their high defense with marrow and their high damage during HF (just a zerk/crit during…
I play on Dawnglory.
I live in NA and I actually prefer having nation war during the afternoon than the evening so please stop QQing about this damn time.
PVE server ppl thinks that in pvp server they would get killed everytime, which is not true. Back on Harshlands, only rival guilds were hiting each other, most of the time. Random ppl that were doing dailys werent getting killed. Also, all my chars at the moment are white named and I rarely get killed so idk what ppl hates…
We're now at 1808 votes, I want those mystery prizes! :D
Sunday Nation war
here's my vid
damn wtf lol, at least the bug for me is only limited to my pv token. for the moment... xD
I'm not the alt of sparklecat, i'm Seeker_King
best veno---->sparklecat :D
Try using the skill with another buff than soulsever minuet