nim7 Arc User


  • Well.. I have found that every 1 vit you put in Wiz, you only get 10hp (me noob >.<), so I think puting vit points is useless b:surrender , I would say ether Light armor or Arcane armor, Arcane will kill the mobs faster and would have better mage defense, but Light armor will protect you all round but your magic attack…
    in aoe wizzy Comment by nim7 May 2010
  • lol yep b:chuckle thats sometimes Thats why I don't have more then 2 backstabbing scorpions things on me... and make sure when killing the spiders, to keep a distance so they don't psy attack you instead of poison, caz it would be like having 5 psy attack mobs on you.. It ant pretty b:cry
    in aoe wizzy Comment by nim7 May 2010
  • I have a lv35 wiz, so I can't say much.. I can take on max of 2 phy attack mobs and 3 mag attack mobs at a time (my lv) with my Dragons Breath.. I find it fun to use ^.^ , you will need to play smart though, using HP pots and 2nd Wind (genie skill) to keep you alive...
    in aoe wizzy Comment by nim7 May 2010
  • b:bye I don't get the white flash, I get it in Black but its rare... I don't mind that glitch as much, just the fash ones >.<
  • Ok, well to change it back, put it to 1min and do not touch it for 3 days.
  • lol.. I understand what you mean, I have this fash glitch where my skirt disappears and reappears @ curtain areas and angles, and they suggest it might be the PC, but this glitch did NOT happen b4 until the last patch (not this one, but even this patch does the same thing, plus more ^.^ I'm SOO HAPPY!! not >.>). But the…
  • yep, here is my pic of bugged fash >.< BTW Esuna, love you reminds me of Finding Nemo, "Fishes are friends, not food" b:chuckle PS. This glitch still happens: The only reason why I'm still pointing this out is because this never happened b4..., so it can't…
    in Fashion bugged Comment by nim7 May 2010
  • To know your directX version, run dxdiag from the run dialog (Windows Key + R) [Windown Key + R and type dxdiag]
    in help!!!! Comment by nim7 May 2010
  • Wow, first port responded by a GM to me, woot ^.^ lol anyways, lowering the graphics helps, but if you know me, I don't like low what annoys me though is that this never happened b4. why now? problem can be "solved" but it is something that was once perfect and not now... Well, I guess will keep this glitch…
  • Note: This has not happened b4 and only recently. DirectX v11 Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4600 Processor: 2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz, 4G RAM System Model: Satellite A500 Operating System: Windows Vista Home Pre (sucks >.>)
  • I got a good one >.< Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee I think this vid might help >.< b:chuckle
  • Just wondering if you can get this colour for the skirt: Spent like 500k worth of dyes and did not succeed, Now buying 6gold worth of random dyes to get that colour...b:surrender or is it classified as black?
  • Can some1 tell me or give me a link about what colour is good for which in genies? (and their ability/s) b:cute
  • Hi... so far.. I know two places where you can get stuck from the terrain... one is around @ 480 892 and Another is @ 226 557 well these are the 2 I know so far... if any has other post them if you wish... b:surrender
  • How do you go to 488 100? It seems that you can't as there is an invisible wall blocking... b:surrender
    in Rare Pets Comment by nim7 April 2009