From the start they remove coins in GV was very good way to make players stop play GV full for money.
I think is something players will pay for, same as they do for name change.If this option is wanted , why not to have it?! Give more chances to players make the game more fun for them!
I say Tide must get help from GM, even if he did some mistake , way we have GMrs for - to help us , to keep us happy , to make game place were we get fun .. ?! Tide lost some gears yes, he have some mistakes , ok maybe , but at least he didnt lie or scam some one, he ask for help get gears back, he dont ask for something…
I only dont understand 1 thing.Why some players are treated on different way then others?How this ones of us who got nothing we deserve to be treated on this way? People who win with x20 x30 and even more orbs +10 will be punish for this with ban if what .. 1 day ? or 1 week or 2 weeks, but they coming back with all gears…
lol give us, or we less players then all others ? OR just send a new cods to everyone who get nothing will make players feel a little better!
So lol this players will get ban for a week ro 2 or even 3 weeks , but they will log in to the game again with all refine +10 and +11 ?! What about this players who didnt get even 1 orb ? Is fair game? ...sad
not GM yet to say ... something ?!
roll it, plz is funny... and 24 hrs is not really big waste , just fix it out b:chuckle