actually doing quests is not the fastest way to lvl up. untill you reach around lvl 40 thats true. but after that just skipping the quests will get you faster to the next lvl. i just say bamboo village and then snake island etc.... and every time you leave for questing and then come back, you need to wait untill they get a…
rewarding the fastest grinding ppl is a bad idea i think... coz to lvl faster, you better just grind than doing quests or play the game.... and the CB is for finding bugs and not for organizing grindfests..... so to be honest, my opinion is, if you join the CB just to lvl up fast, then PW dont needs you as a CB tester.
LOL you are dreaming...... a lvl 30 WR cant even kill a WB lvl60+ when he is afk.... ofcourse when they are using hieros... but who the heck will be playing without a hiero and that as a Tank?? So wanna kill a lvl 100 WB with a lvl 30WR?? gonna take a whole day for just 1......