nightexcel Arc User


  • I'm using a desktop and a wired internet service. Like I said before I had a Hard Disk of 512GB and Win 7 and was playing great, then had a incident where between the hard disk and the cable of energy it got set on fire, so I replaced it with a Hard Disk 80BG I had and had to install Win XP Titan version because of the…
  • I guess I wasn't doing the trace with IP, was just with the site, so here's with the 4 IP from RT server: Microsoft Windows XP [Versión 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador>tracert 74.20 1.183.67 Traza a sobre caminos de 30 saltos…
  • Update: Sent a ticket, they told me using "ipconfig/flushnds" in cmd, but still getting stuck in game. after some min logged, cant use skill, cant see whats happening or typeing, but apparently they can see me moving and typing...
  • wbx here, also can add when I use another client to kick the account in last client, it shows instantly "you have been booted" while it has been stuck for minutes. So I think its more like game issue than my net issue. And I have excluded the game folder from my AV protection and have verified the launcher 3 times already.…
  • its korean!
  • help, i dont know how unlock safety, i have 1 hour lock, and i cant change to 1min or unlock this!b:cry