There is nothing wrong with trying to catch people out that are unaware of the real price of an item. What do you think antique dealers and those people who scour boot sales are doing in real life? It's just playing the market, you buy cheap and sell high to make some profit. It's not scamming or cheating people, it's just…
thanks xD How do you get access to the advanced cube anyway?
are there any other tomes available ingame that are likely to be more useful? I thought it would be a permanent stat boost rather than an item.
Is the 1% permanent?
I finished the quest that requires you to kill 40 living snowmen but I don't remember seeing another quest appear. Can I still do this even though the quest to kill 40 living snowmen has disappeared?
So what exactly do you need to get the blessing?....all 21 cards?
Ahh I see, thanks xD
How do I get access to that?
Another question xD What do I do with the Dice Ticket?
Thanks for the answer, much appreciated xD
There are too many people out there who get off on reporting people for apparantly botting. I have been accused of it because I didn't reply to someone who tried to chat to me. So just because I don't play the game to socialize I am therefore a botter.....right, whatever. Those people who just wander around reporting…
I find the fact you think it is ok to call Kitsuvix an egoist rather amusing when you have just sat there at a computer, ridiculing his/hers bad English. You are the egoist, not the OP. As for the topic, I agree to an extent. I have been playing for about three weeks now and the number of players has grown noticeably in…
....and you had already done the quest before right?
I did fb19 with some other players and the boss dropped a crazy amount of blue items but I missed them all. Can the boss still drop items like that even after you have done 'Call of the Beast' (or whatever it's called) xD. I know that the likihood of it happening is reduced.....but is it worth trying?
Sorry, I don't know why I said double xD I guess having them increase quest exp would be too good to be true.
There should really be a warning about it somewhere. A GM told me that he knew it was 64 only through even he didn't know due to it being common knowledge, which is what it should be.
Problem solved. Apparantly you are only allowed 64 slots.....but I don't remember seeing it stated anywhere....