neraka Arc User


  • yea, I have been updating all day...but i'm not going to quit on the second day...took me 21 hours it said total (i stopped it over night, i don't like my computer on that long) and i installed it..and played for 15 minutes and my pc would freeze and i'd have to restart it, happened 3 times, i'm hoping that after i got rid…
  • ^^ call me a nub, noob, whatever but can anyone explain what con, dex, int, and all those others really mean..i came from a game that just had "health, strength, agility, intelligence, etc" so i'm like "what does this mean?" and i don't really wanna mess up that bad >.<
  • I haven't updated it yet, I worked on it a bit but it was slow so I quit it and went on doing what I had to do today ^^ so I am now updating, hoping the game will work now without freezing my laptop like it did before after playing 10-15 minutes, got 3 free restarts ^^ lol anyways I'll see how it goes, if I get problems…
  • stripe- i downloaded patches 1-5, updated it, then patches 5-7 updated it and then patches 7-8 and it then updated to the "Game Version: 9" and i was able to get on and i played a bit before it froze my computer (i'm playing on a laptop) and i had to restart...played a bit..then it froze...did that about 3 times before i…
  • oh yay it says start now instead of update ^^ but i gotta get ready for the dentist now :D
  • well i got it to Game Version: 8 now, just gotta see if it'll work ^^
  • okay, i have downloaded the game and i got the patch 1-5 downloaded and it says Game Version: 5 and it "tries" to update but it gets 'stuck' i could call it at updating files.... and pops up this box that by the time i try to read it it goes away....and i'm so confused..if someone could perhaps tell me what i…