neosoro Arc User


  • if your not cash shopper, forget end game unless u gonna play for 50+years, when they already have new stuff b:laugh Everyone, feel free to say what u think so they can think what to do!b:pleased Hope enough ppl read this before they block and hide this thread!
  • They forgot the essence of playing (TO HAVE FUN) now it become: PAY TO BE THE BETTER !
  • Even trough about keep being cash shopper, but i noticed that what i can spend is not enough to make a decent char in a free to play game b:surrender
  • Idk if u ppl noticed, EVER who didnt use a account stash can share "coins only" betweens chars of same account and server! Doub it? try it! even you that didnt use the stone yet have the option to open stash on banker npc, open it, it gonna display a screen with no slots for items, but the place for coins, and it works!
  • Agreedb:victory