nebtch Arc User


  • 500mil for love up and down **** on HT that was the price years ago. now its more like 800 to over 1bil, so if you can get for 500 mil you best snag that puppy up
  • this is uncalled for plz fix this jolly jones issue i should be able to have as many as i want. i should not be limited to 1. jolly jones has kept alot of people going in this game that would have quit by now. plz gm tell whoever you need to that we want this fixed !!!!!!!
  • same here it is the aug 6th and no chests
  • my thoughts and prayers to fenix's family and friends and to all those in GD faction
  • i agrre they should not have screwed with caster nirvana, people can save there keys so the can run as many whenever they want caster tailsmans should be the same way, why are caster being treated differently then the aps people, and before you write a stupid reply saying get over it or whatever, i have both an caster and…
  • is the christmas event the snowmen or something else?
  • yes more Gm's are needed. so many people i started playing with no longer play due to world chat and just plain rude and filthy chat that souldnt be aloud for ev1 to see. whispers and squad or faction chats are one thing but when its in world chat thats something different. i would like to see something done about that
  • can anyone tell me what time 2x is suppose to start? and where we findout how long we been playing
  • i would like tosee oricales back on sale
  • i agree world chat has gotten worse and worse. I am not sure what the isssue is. I have seen GM's online and yet they do nothing. I know they say they are busy answering tickets and whatnot but maybe they needm to hire someone for worldchat only if the others are to busy. more and more people play this game every day. I…