narulordofevil Arc User



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  • I giant Puple/Black wolf as big as a house or an angel with black wings and a cool cape ^^ ... yes i no im childish... BUT IM A CHILD AT HEART YEY YEY YEY ^^
  • The best trick as said before is to stand at the back and if something comes towards u hit plume shell and run away run run i tell u ^^ I also find that the FB's go much better when u have a part guild party with some members that know you well becouse then they can fight in retrospect to how u fight through teamwork…
  • I would like cuddles just so i can fly my freinds aroung u no ^^ Also this subject has appeared weekly for quite some time now ^^ Unfortunatly i dont think the game designers are ever gunna change it
  • This is a great spell it lasts for 39minuits and at lvl 10 increases mana and hp regen by about 10 points per second ^^ I think thats right >.> Anyway its through this spell and lots of magica skill points that i keep my mana up. I need to be in a realy big fight to run out and i just save up my mana potion for that. Also…
  • I think they should actually tell you this i have wasted so many points on that skill which i really need for other skills now. The other option is to give you the ability to unlearn all skills at lvl 30 or even just that one so that you can fix this mistake ^^
  • Tails it would appear that not alot of people care which is a shame becouse it was (in my veiw) the only good thing in other mmo's like flyff ^^ and you could choose to reveal hide them to ^^ Also worked great in guild wars made it so much easier to work out who is who Shame....
  • I think we should be able to get cloaks like those of the Warden from warcraft 3 ^^ I also like the jewelry option but I think u should be able to select which bits of jewelry capes or cloaks you want to see. So back to the hide show object option ^^ The cloak should also wave around according to wind or movement speed ^^…
  • Capes are a great idea although i belive that you should have the option to hide/reveal them ^^
  • This would be great becouse then i could get some cool stuff ^^
  • this is an idea that came on the sexism thread. If your streangth is bellow a certain level (for example 60) when you are carrying people you get a mana charge (just like flying elfs alread get bellow level 30) this way a sence of realism can be gained by the use of magic(or at least enough realism to fit into the game)…
  • I have to agree with this text. i also like the idea that if an elf carrys someone the mana usage rate increases becouse it just seems to make sence that more magic would get used to fly someone else. Also why dont you have it that if your strength is bellow a certain level you get charged mana instead, so you can only…
  • The hotkeys arnt that bad in this game but i would like tomove about half of the around a bit so i can set them up to what im used to. Also i find that i keep getting confused between F1 and 1 for example. Also why is it that with spell casting you can only use 1 to 6 and f1 to 8 for quickbarring im running out of slots…
  • I do like the factthat male elfs can give female char's flghts but i dislike the way that female elfs cant give lifts to ther females or males and that males cant give other males lifts. Ok i can understand why my little elf cant lift a male beast werewolf or similar but human males and females and venomancer etc are all…
  • I only realy want to be able to carry female char's with my female ealf but i think normal male char's could be carried to just held differently.... However i do agree that male beast charecters may be to large for an elf to carry ^^ I would realy like this change made and i belive it would allow for a much beter gaming…
  • .. I want to pick up my female freinds with a female elf but i dont see why i cant do this. Is it just impossible becouse were the same sex which makes it a bit sexist dont you think ^^ Realy ui dont care about sex i just want to lift my freinds up a cliff ^^
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