nagash Arc User


  • maybe out of 3(dual axe chars)..if u got a problem or a better "suggestion" u maybe post it..otherwise let ppl that try to help do it x.x"
  • yup yup..this game rly pwns..played MY version alrdy and only quitted cuz TW times where kinda impossible for me as european not that US times r perfect for me now..but at leats its something i can personaly best F2P mmorpg i ever played..i just hope Zen price wont be that high :D Edit: not sure…
  • thats how i did it..and so far its the best build i ever bad its not my own :mad: u go dual axe / hammer every odd level: +3 str/+2 con every even level: +3 str/+1 agi/+1 con *every _9 level (9, 19, 29, 39, 49, etc.): +4 str/+1 con *every 10th level (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.): +3 str/+2 agi