myying Arc User


  • no i dont use e-chcks with paypal it pops directly off my paypal account anyways the problems been resolved FINALLY jus hate i hate to make this thread b4 i received an email
  • I personaly think 50$ is absolutely outrageous lol. I dont care what any1 says about this but I could buy gold on a game with that and have a way better time but eh thats just me lol. Also I completely agree with the flying mounts, WE NEED MORE OF THOSE!!! Frankly I could give rat's **** dropping:eek: what riding mounts…
  • meh i dont think its jealousy rather a state of opinion. i mean i could afford the mount before but i wasnt paying 35 bucks for it lol...considering its not real and i really only buy whats pretty much what's a necesity(spelled wrong i know ^^) in a game anyway like the mats and them self healing things. i can walk to…