mrkaho Arc User


  • So you give away a lot of orbs, and I get no orbs.... The cost of 3 orbs without sale is $150, why would I pay $150 for something you gave everyone for free? I will cut my losses now, forget trying to keep up in this endless money pit of a game. I will put my r9 archer, and r999 seeker into retirement. My $150 would be…
  • So from what I understand, people that received dozens of ocean orbs get to keep them. Meanwhile players who didn't can get a single ocean get nothing. Putting use further behind people in refines? I thought PWI had a goal to balance the game? This is far from balance. Now there is tons of +10/11/12 to destroy us lower…
  • Best Sale in History will never be repeated. 3x11* = 99 Gold 2x12* = 100 Gold Yes this sale did happen, it lasted about 24 hours maybe a little less. This sale actually made me cashshop, but when I logged back on to buy them and they were out of the cash shop. Biggest waste of money, raged with the force of a million Suns.