morridune Arc User



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  • Sage Cleave proc +20% to crits Sage Fissure -30% fire resistance i.e a debuff w/o a 30s CD or chi cost Sage Drake Bash proc= no spark costs and rly its a 1.5s diff in the two's stun duration AD is 6s so that extra 1.5s will only make a difference if they AD some how b4 u hit and u still get the stun not to mention that…
  • Lol this may be a lil to do with newer BM's not really receiving the best advice going into their 1st TW. Pretty much all the non BM's want you to do is run down the middle roar + HF, even when you look at some of the guides ppl post its pretty much lists of combo's for basicly: stun immune-damage immunity-roar-HF then…
  • I almost didnt want to watch as it was painfull enough luci kicking my *** in TW the 1st time but nice vid one of the most fun TW's I've played on this game
  • essentially i agree with this. The GM's need to be more present plus allowed to actually play the game a lil and interact with community. I'd vote PWI give em set rota's to in game, give em range of GM gear's and an allowance for running with different lvl squads through instances, hell even give them a weekly PK allowance…
  • lol im game to run lunar TM near w/e for no more reason that its fun as hell (currently enough medals for 8 or 9 more capes dam pwi's non tradeable)
  • TheDan's guide will give you a very good base to work from but to be frank the best approach its to play against these classes and learn what works for you, and how to mix it up in different circumstances. It would be a very sad day for the game if every1 could simply look up a magic formula for how to win. Im not trying…
  • wizards DB etc damage depends on how much you have lvl'd not how many refines u can afford after working to get the book in 1st place and pay to learn + it doesn't req 3 sparks doesn't have 5min CD and you can still be healed/use genie/use pots is more the point with that
  • Yes also the lvl of your gear plays apart, this is one of the main frustrations with new skills, there all very refine/high lvl gear dependant yet have epic CD comparably to other classes or are extremely circumstantial. As much as I like the look and feel of these skills BM's already have plenty of "fuff" skills to use…
  • nice axe and pole is a cool option some of the best BM's i've squad'd with use a similar set up, and i hope u have a great time learning how much our class rocks as u lvlb:victory As for the axe/fist im nt disputing its effectiveness or that swords are a little under power'd at times was tying to say sword is a viable…
  • erm yeh like a said if ppl are willing to pay for the gear or spend the time farming the rep/mats for the more OP stuff then thats fine bt i can spike well enough and dps well enough with swords. point is its sad ppl attitude's cos rly how many bm's only use 1 type of weapon at the high lvls?? an even if they do so what so…
  • I like this thread, i've bn using swords as my main through out the game and im now lvl97 its good to see nt all ppl think they aint worth it. I've had little trouble i get decent aps, can spark often with the right genie and as for those who say we cant spike like an axe bm, its rly nt that hard to hot key for HF and…
  • I know. I have almost all of my skills maxed. Except, I don't even have a single sword skill. Completely unnecessary. b:chuckle[/QUOTE] erm bt is'nt this kinda the point of the poll? to try and push for all the weaps to have their place, as a BM are you telling me u wouldnt like to b able to have all of them as an even…
  • LOL's i have no probs finding squads, half the time its ppl asking me to help them especially for fc and now lunar ( primal fear is a laugh btw all who can, go least once to try it ) you see imma tell u a little secret.................BM's can use more than 1 type of weap b:shocked b:shocked i know i know it sounds crazy…
  • Yey :) it's nice to see some1 who kinda gets the point ot the "game" part of PWI, i myself am a "fail" swords BM ;) or least thats what ppl start out calling me, later it seems a grudging chage of heart comes round bt wth eh i will admit tho i think the dev's may wanna look at the skill paths or the weapons themselves, as…
  • basically always str, then dex or vit on ur preference. higher vit gives u more hp which is the core of your survivability, and i belive (bt dont quote ) slightly improves both ur p.def and m.def higher dex gives you better acc, evasion and those joyous crits ;) ( yup i b dex ) and nice guide, im a 9x sword bm myself bt i…
  • Well will wait b4 i say too much on this. Nice to see they are freshening it up and there maybe less wave upon wave of sins in the game. Also hope with this they been looking at the older class types also and giving them an update so they come more into line with the new 1s
  • atmos strike is and big damage dealer for pvp/ boss fights + zerk blade + ur high crit chance from dex and dragon bane its a good skill to have in ur arsenal in the end what do u want from ur bm? if ur wanna simple easy to play toon then by all means follow the crowd. ppl don't like swords generally cos there harder to…
  • I'm not saying you need to have skills form all paths, but its worth having a look at what is available and all paths have good merits to see how it fits with how you want to play. I've personally taken a couple of axe and a couple of fist moves ( Drake bash, HF, Cyclone heel and the lvl79 fist skill I cant spell ) I…
  • Axe best weapon for BM?? trouble to stunk lock without it?? i'm a lvl85 Sword BM and i've yet to find stun lock's an issue. With the 2 basic stuns and smack few last long enough those who do well thats what hot keys are for in time it take's to hit 3 buttons i'v switched to axe used the stun and then the swords are out…


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