okay if this is for technical help, why you both on here responding to comments with 0 tech help. kthankx can you leave now, bai
1 person says something, these 2 both respond to the same comment and dare to accuse that person of trying to fuel a fued, can someone please give draganoid and his wife a dictionary so they can learn the words they casually throw around at other people.
I keep my inventory extremely tidy with no unnecessary clutter, the worst thing that can happen to me is accidentally sorting my bag. I also never walk further than 20m, if I can I ride my chronobike everywhere. I dont like having "weird" numbers of stuff in my bank. eg. I have to have a whole number to the nearest hundred…
demon rez is pvp skill really, for barbs/high hp chars who dont wanna tick charm, but tbh, exp loss on demon isnt that bad unless you're 104