yah ik : ) tyvvvvvvm : )
ya i saw em now : D and i dont think 5 def lvl would do that much difference will it??
yah ty a lot : D didnt know there is def lvl as random add on thought just unique one lol ( like zerk etc ) ty again : )
tbh Zerk would deal more damage than 40 atk lvl cuase zerk DOUBLES damage but 40 atk lvl just increase 40% damage im thinking im gonna get GoF BTW what Thunder Strike do freeze is it silence and immobilize or??
mhmmm so i make it as def wep
i reawaken and got lvl 1 pants chest and wep cant use my helmet boots and hands else i can use can i get lvl 1 boots helmet and hands cause the armor looks like the 1 in character create screen + what is the skills compare or combine or whatever its called u combine 2 skills together and get new skill?? how??what happens…
Q_Q i wanna farm