mkdragon Arc User


  • watching populations at first minutes of server started atm from most populated : 1 veno 2 cleric 3 blademaster = wizard = archer (hard to say with is more with less couse around same amounts) 4 barbarian later it will be more like: 1 cleric 2 blademaster=archer 3 veno 4 barbarian 5 wizard
  • it's only couse veno are excluded from zhen parties from with after 60+ most of exp comes in dungeon parties veno are actualy a must since they are best lurers out there ( they can pul 1 mob at time while 2nd best lurer archer will always pull at least 2 or more)
  • well i had lev 73 WF on en-my version i tested both int and light armor build in pve you want full int build(meybe few con but really few) you kill faster couse your spell do more dmg and heal your pet more so you can solo bosses earlier and easier in pvp well light armor build in pvp didn't really work for me either it…