Alot of us are crashing ingame - has anyone been able to fix this or do we just have to put up with it untill they fix it on their end?
anyone know if the r9r3 is being sorted for monkey or you know even r9r4 since r9r4 is the actual gear they could at least make r9r2 > r9r4.... since they fked with r9r3 for the last patch china wont let us change coding to make r9r3 rn so like - yall could just give is r9r2 > r9r4 and let SOME OF US who actually want to…
im assuming the monkey king patch just went live due to the screen changes n what not sooooooooo - i think the patch includes the new class - the new arch invasion event - the new instance change update with keys and the possible MBH glitch fix Charge promo should also happen alot with x2 due to the new classes n sht :(