Happily, whatever they did fixed my login problem, but they never did respond to the tickets I sent in. 8 of them in 5 days. Send in a ticket . . . what a joke.
So today i can suddenly sign into my game again. There was never any response to my 8 suport requests, but now it works again. Was it a system wide issue? Anyone else have a sudden fix to their problem?
Well, after 6 service requests over the past 5 days . . still no answer from PW and I still can't sign into my game. I can sign into the web site, but get an incorrect login message for the game. of course, PW couldn't care less and no one responds after i get the automated email saying they will respond within 24 hours. I…
I love how they lead you on by saying to expect a response within 24 hours. I guess they just don't care about their customers. Two years and lots of money spent to be dissed like this. And my main character just made lvl 80 and I was psyched to play. =/ I sent my first request for help in on Thursday right after I changed…
Oh, joy. Guess I'll catch up on my reading. b:surrender
Thanks. I find that both reassuring and aggravating at the same time, if you know what I mean. You'd think that since weekends are the biggest time when people can play they'd have some support working then. It's just good business. Along with that, I sent the first support request in on Thursday.
I cannot get into my game at all. I can sign onto the web site and obviously this forum, but every time I try to sign into the game I get a message saying my user name or password is incorrect. I have successfully changed my password twice and verified my user name, but still can't sign on. I have sent 7 support requests…