methylcytosine Arc User


  • air 1v1 were in fashion from 1.3 to early 1.4 but went out of fashion when sins came out and aps became The Thing so people don't actually 1v1 in air anymore per change of social convention. Just popped by to check since I made ego claims here
  • what toraah said. Everyone and their mother knows how to leap lionroar you ever leaped -30% channel +3.00 range axe drake bash? Doubt it. You say I blow the littlest things out of proportion but you're doing the same, except in the other direction. Leaps are 1st grade level. Also, this wr can't even lock with **** stun…
  • oh yea forgot to even mention the lack of leaping stuns on a 0 chan server @ the random there's a difference between holding down one of the WASD keys also 0:31; watch this god ea seal on top of seal rip gf 420 blaze 2 MLG5u average where I play is the same as average here because here is where average comes from; trash is…
  • fk zsw for linking this thread to me and tricking me into watching EA played like downer, sitting there trying to seal lock wr at point blank range, no STA, relying on debuff when wr is clearly heirobuggable given the potential to hit 11ks (let's just reflect on the fact that in the first fight, about 3 seconds into a 5…