menelanna Arc User


  • Ty for the post SylenThunder. Good to see someone with a brain posting and not hoping on to just QQ about DCing a loosing heads/TT/Nirv ect and demanding 2x. For the rest of you...grow up and get over it.
  • my seeker has an original name. Farare. It was the name I gave one of my D&D chars i played for about a year. Its elvish for huntress :) (as far as I know, I am the only person who has come up with that name) Also my nickname for the forum is original too XD. my personal elven name, means Heaven's Gift.
  • oh god...QQing already? DCs happen, get over it.
  • for me it depends on which of my chars the fash is for. If it is for my seeker or assassin, black because it just makes them look badass. While my mystic, I have this perfect shade of light green for her on my sapphire dress.