maxxxson Arc User


  • People should stop thinking that CSers are the people who dont want this. CSers have Gold monopoly, they couldnt give a rats **** about coin inflation. Coin inflation hurts only us free to play players or Casuals. How can people not see this and be so short sighted? This is simple economics.
  • Its crazy how easy it is to make Coin and people keep complaining about how hard it is. Questing received huge Coin reward buffs in the last years, so that ppl can make millions from them now. Events everywhere and DAILY during the week with awesome rewards to make money, not counting, Cube and other things. And yet…
  • NO, please god no...why are people to short sighted and badly informed about economy. I just quested with my level 83 SB for 2 hours and made 1.5 mio coins. Its unbelievably easy to make money if you actually play the damn game, please dont pump 50+ billion of coin needlessly into the game for the 2nd coming of…