..Im off to cut an emo then.
Hi, Do you want to trade for Redback Skymanta 2.0? Untamed Flyer. Cheers
10 Spots left. PM in-game now for your place
the images i just posted in previous message don't show up for me either.... i just see a small icon... Can you see them?
Thank you for helping me :) Looks like it might be to do with the video card? Wife informs me she go an error message about the card yesterday...... :( The system was bought from a local computer shop as one of their own assemblies. No brand as such Thank you again :)
got you stumped eh! I have re-downloaded the and re-installed the game with no change made to the issue..... PWI withdrawal is setting inb:shockedb:shocked
pm for an invite
I got it to work..... now I cant remember my password for the gold trading account. Where do I go to get a reminder sent?
Hi, I tried ctrl+f5 and the page reloaded but with no change. When I click "Charge zen" I get a page looking like this one. From here I am stuck..... how to I proceed to the purchase function?
I am sure it is nothing to do with my computer :) The blank section is on the "Charge Zen" page where I assume the order info should be? Is it like this for everyone?