maulik Arc User


  • its gettin boring to play aorund alone without ur usual friends jumping , danging, chating and ofcourse dying around u
  • ahhhhhhhhhhh so tis is the problem..i dnt get much time to cm on forums and chk things a day back i get an error of "client version low" and hell i thot my client got corrupt as tehre was no other manual patch thing on site and now m downloading the whole client again...zzzzzzz i hate u guys for this...b:angryb:angry
  • atleast sm1 reply what to do in this case...i cant get my auto updater running for Heaven Tear server. baaaaaaahhhh i get less time to play and now i cant even enter the server....zzz
  • often it happens with me that whenever i am in town or near any npc, i cudnt click on those npc. i mean to say tht clickable items is not appearing when i move my cursor to npc nor it shows the attack icon on any creeps outside town. i saw smtimes this msg "character in evasion mode". also, smtimes i cant even logout or…
  • lol m gein tsucked a same file like bon.(smhng) i leftt the auo update a home ...thot ill better be off to work
  • same problem everytime i connect to the server , autoupdaes and then hangs in between admin i think u shud put manual as well auto updaes together
  • did 27 lvl archer in 5 days time :) will do more soon
  • hi again there, thanks for ur reply dude, but have another question what is ths PvP and PvE server..pvp=players vs playrs tht i know so no pking mode in pve? whats the difference between the two..?
  • nice guide uncle ambition btw its fact, Archer in all server rox in pking. i have an archer in tta3, one of the better ones and she was imbaa in pking same , have a mage in Tantra Online but she is not gud against archers of her lvl. anyways...i am an archer only name Picexplorer....and m 27...:P get ready for pking... and…
  • that is a noobish question:P no offence happens with all anyways, MMO means Massively multuiplayer ONline games whre there is one server, which is like home of ur char and there are clients which u downloaded from website....all players char are stored in this server and these are like live games u play. u start from wehre…
  • hello guys m new to mmo and i really like to know what will happen when Beta testing gets over.. is this server gonna be pay-to-play..i mean like monthly paying system or is ti gonna be like this free-2-play?