masterfu2 Arc User


  • Here we go again... Yup, good times, good times
  • Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 975 3.33GHz(Quad Core) Extreme Performance. 12GB DDR3 1600MHz Corsair Dominator DHX high performance. 4x SLT Quad Nvidia GeForce GTX 285 CLASSIFIED Edition 1GB includes Physx Technology. CPU Boost: stage 2: 3.33GHz to 4.2GHz with H20 cooling. Windows 7 64bit Edition. Yep, made by Digital Storm…
  • Yup, you can't name other games on this forum. Sorry Great, i just got ninja'd >.< Damn you! b:chuckleb:dirty
  • FB stands for Fu Ben which means dungeon in Chinese. You can just tell this friend of yours that FB quests aka Call of Duty is a quest that requires you to gather a group of people, then go to a dungeon(fb19, 29, on) to kill elite monsters and bosses :) To the people who said FB stands for Final battle and such,…
  • Hello there! Make sure to active your card before using xD To active your Visa gift card, just go to the website on the back of the card and type the card number with the three numbers in that little box on the back of the card. The website is small, so its hard to see on the back of the card. masterfu~ P.S. if you already…
  • Hello! All you need to do is first download the game client from this website, then install the game just like any other games. Once you have done with all that, then click the perfect world international game icon on your desktop(if you make a shortcut) and let the game install all the patches. Depends on your internet…
  • By the way, you are posting this thread in the wrong section of the forum. b:cryb:cry
  • Hello! Sage and Demon are two different god in PWI (i think o.O). You can choose which side you want to be in when you are level 89 combat. By the time you reach to level 89, a little pop up window will appear telling you to do a few hard bosses killing quests(hope you can find a good team because this is not going to be a…
  • Hello, i can answer your question. The only thing that you CAN do right now is switch to a better internet. If you live in America, then maybe you can give a call to WOW or Time Warner cable company, you only need to pay about 35 dollars(holiday sale of some sort from time warner cable) per month to get high speed…
  • +1 on your post, i totally agree what you just said. b:victoryb:cute
  • Hello again, thanks for telling me that. b:cuteb:dirtyb:thanks
  • Oops, you didn't hear me saying that >.> <.< b:laughb:laugh
  • Hi there, i have a quick question to ask about this post. My question is isn't what you are doing and showing us this is against the game rule o.O? What i mean by that this post looks like you are editing your in game char. Thanks for reading
  • Hello again. You have to have an Chinese ID in order to make accounts if you want to play a Chinese MMO like Perfect World. The beta testing for Rising tide is in Mainland, China. I'm a Chinese and i want to play the beta just to see how well everything looks in the new expansion. But i can't because i do not have an…
  • Nice, i can't wait to play the new expansion. I want to try Assassin out because they can use stealth and stuff >.> Who doesn't like to use stealth anyways in video games, its awesome b:sinb:sin
  • Hi there! I can answer your questions. For your first question: if you want to play the chinese perfect world on your computer, then you have to download and install a program that can read chinese. the "?" means that your computer can't read it. For your second question: if you want to register an account for the chinese…
  • Hi there, the little review that you found is sooo funny xD This player is saying that the graphics that are in pwi sucks and he can't see the moon or stars for example. Lol, i think he doesn't have a good computer to run the game(things like good graphics card, CPU...etc) and i don't think this player have really seen…
  • Here is the first part of my third reply to Drunkwizard: I'm sorry that i insulted you in my first reply and i did not know about the TOS and harassment in the game. Sorry about all of that. I just have 1 question to ask you and here is my question: why did you choose a pvp server when you started to play this game? I know…
  • So? You still shouldn't play this game in a pvp server. If you play the game in a pve server, then you will get less or no harassment from other players. Either suck it up and deal with this harassment pk over and over again by other players in your server, or switch to a pve server. So please do not make thread like this,…
  • I just read your thread and i got one thing to say about this. That is you are a dumbass... If you don't want to get pked by other high level players over and over again, then you shouldn't play the game in a pvp server in the first place... I hope you have learned your lesson and stop crying over about it. b:victory…
  • Hi there, this happened to me too a few days ago when i did my FB39 quest. Maybe this is a glitch or something, the sign should be in English not Chinese x] Since we are playing Perfect World International not the Chinese version one. Since i was from mainland China(now i live in the US), so let me explain what the sign…
  • Hi there, i just want to point this out. I know this person didn't ask for help on his grammar and i didn't attack his post on this forum. The only two things that i did was tell him that he used the word in the wrong format and he should becareful the next time when he use the same word on something else. I'm just trying…
  • You know that this logo is wrong, right? Because "I'm lovin' it" is the wrong English format xD I wonder how many Americans know this logo is in the wrong format >.>
  • Hello, again. Loving is a English word(my bad >.>), but using the word "loving" when you speak English is wrong. Well, the format of that word is wrong i mean. For example, you can't just say "i'm loving it"(wrong English format). You just can't put the "-ing" behind the word "love". If you don't believe me, then feel free…
  • Hi there, i was reading your post on the forum and i found out that your title is wrong. So feel free to change it if you really care about it xD If you really care about my reply, then here's what your title should say "love the genies!" "loveing" and "loving" are not English words. I hope you can use the correct English…
  • Hello, i'm a chinese nub who is playing this game in America. I'm level 37 cleric(they own x]) in Sanctuary if you really gives sh**. Do you have any problems with that xD? masterfu b:laughb:laugh
  • I saw that little "red shield with a x mark" on your blue Windows XP task bar at the bottom of your computer screen. That means you do not have anti-virus programs. So you might want to download one like AVG or something otherwise it will be easy for the hackers to steal your personal stuff from your computer. Thank you…
  • Alright, thanks for your help Masterfu b:victory