Fixed... inb4 mystic is not a veno.. Honestly people really think (REALLY) that mystic is based off Veno for some reason. Beast Master vs. Summoner? Veno you run around and tame strong useful pets that require little assistance, Mystic summon a pet that has to be BREAST FED everything. Honestly the fact that there's a…
I don't see how can ppl really compare a mystic to other classes... Can't heal as good as cleric, can't do as much dmg as wizard (DD), can't tank/lure as good as a veno, can't debuff/cast as fast as a psychic. The skills may be a slight rip off/high mp cost of other classes but with good reason. I don't think it's fair to…
don't forget about lysing. If they made it so u can multi summon punnishers it'd be GG b:shocked
Reply to Above: I don't plan to max any of them cept the second 2 befuddler and spider vine. Sleep is nice too but i think we really got gyped in the plant department. I think after a certain level we should atleast get the option to summon 2 plants at once or atleast have them in a set combo. like punishing sting can be…