I'm not sure it does, has anyone gotten the collar to work? I bought one and then used the "rename pet" option from the lady... typed in the name, hit 'ok' (or equivalent) and... Nothing. Is there some magic to it that I'm missing? I tried it with pet active, pet in bag, pet standing on its head, etc and still... nothing.
OMG I thought it was going to be CAVEMAN themed with a name like that... at least ArchDrake City or something.... anything "dragony" would be an improvement. I've never played PW-MY, so I haven't had to relearn the names of anything and I've had no problems at all with 99.9 percent of the names I've come across so far. I…
Agreed... at least let us change the color of more than their eyes? Give them some funky high-lights?
Then shouldn't they have a script that prevents KSing until lvl 30? Because until then you can't go around PKing willy-nilly I don't think...
I think that in this case it would be easy enough for you and your friend to come to a compromise... say he likes to play humans and you like to play winged elves... each of you makes two characters, one of each race. You start out with one race and get those two to level 20, then take the other 2 and level them to 20...…