maoj Arc User


  • Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately verifying the files had no effect.
  • Ohh, my bad, I had a ton of tabs open trying to figure this out, you are right, I did indeed pick up "Report from Hibeth Forest" And that's the problem, I picked it up and thus it should be active, it didn't complete or anything. It just vanished. Its like he game thinks I am currently doing the quest and because of that…
  • Its your router, im sincerely happy for you, but sadly, it is not my router. Rebooting my own systems and connections was the first thing i tried, of course. I did retry that, but the situation remains unchanged for me.
  • I had a chat with PWEs ISP, they said the problem lies with PWI servers, since on the ISPs side everything is static, but they can not ping the PWI game servers. The server my route passes through is []. Also, hoping this might help solve the problem, this is how things look…
  • Ive had the same problem since yesterday. Not sure if its a PWI thing, my traceroute seems to stop at for every server, but im not sure either how many steps should come after that. Also, i get a short chinese greeting message i cannot understand. Of course, rebooting my computer or router wont help and the…