majge Arc User


  • until now nothing be solved, seems ll dont.. ll be all as be... until today many ppls r getting free orbs, while many others dont get no one.. and this r not all... id see no one explanation ppls that dont get we ll can get after.. all that i see r pwi giving some items to all server yet, so who get orbs and r happy and…
  • idk wat wrong with all this, id see no one update today, so idk why all server r giving so many error.. ::((( i only hope GMS r solving all threads and the wrongs things happen during all month, so finally all we can to play there knowing all r right and ll be fine finally ... id support more we lost many time getting…
  • nothing ll change if some ppls be full + 10 and the others dont get no one to refine their gear ... its very nice some get 50 + orbs and the other we ll get 5 hypper ...lloooolll ... or all get same things or no one get nothing then lol .. and about ppls already + 10 or full + 12 of course they ll dont mind, why r all…