Since the 16th I have been doing the update. on 16th it took 24hours and on last 99% I got patcher query I uninstalled ARC and PWI and re-installed both Been trying to do update everytime it gets to 99% i get patcher query SOOO Frustrated now feel like giving upb:cry
Thank you for keeping us updated. If we are not able to log in to do a 'check in' would you be able to please give us an 'absent note'? thank you again for resolving the problem - love the game :0
Fix it, I want my gold and experience back! what 's the use of playing if you take it we play work hard to get experience you take it, whats to say you wont take it back again next week - how can we trust you!!!!! Did you think before you did a rollback. Seriously just fix your mess up.