lya Arc User


  • ha watch all those npcs disappear.. bye by aurora agent YEAAAAA!!!! b:bye
  • good thing i wasn't doing any runs.... pw for the fail!!!
  • I wish the lvl 1 mobs in spire of awakening could be tameable, i want the squirrely and the lemurs, there's so many cute ones there,
  • if you're not sure who to speak with, check you quest log, available quest tab to find your cultivation quest if you don't already have it in your current quests
  • some idiot put it in auction house for 9.5m for a regular veno pet egg in raging tides... don't be that idiot lol, cheapest i've seen an all class kitty was 200k, regular veno egg i've seen for 300-600k... but it's true that rare pets are not in demand now
  • You don't drop from flying when your duration is up, you just go back to flying in normal speed
    in duration. Comment by lya October 2008
  • Sorry you had to experience such stupid behavior from players, whether they are guildmates or not does not allow them to threaten you for doing your quest. I'm not sure which server your on, but if it's PVE they cannot pk you if you're name is blue and not white. My guild, Evolution, are friendly and helpful people not…
  • Hi, have you actually downloaded the client? You need to install that before you can play. The client can be downloaded for free here. Once you download the files, you need to unzip it, and then install the program.
  • the scroll gives u a quest, usually to speak to someone, or kill something, the reward is xp, coins, sp if u mouseover the scroll will tell you how much.
    in scrolls Comment by lya October 2008