those are awesome!!!
Ohhh thank you Gatt!! I am so relived I do not want to wait another 45 mins to reinstall the game.b:victory I have been getting a debug error and I dont really wanna mess with it. even with a downloaded patch its Still doing it whatever If anyone sees a Siranger ingame which he woulnt be there either .so um yeah…
Oh yeah Duh!!
Ahhh So you collect them to upgrade your equipment. Well when I find some armour I like maybe I will enahnce it. I want the pretty purple armour^^
Thank you for the advice and DUH about the search thing LOL
Well I could be wrong since I havent done it yet myself... I think on the same page where you buy it is a transfer page as well.
The list is great however Where Do we find these items in game?
I realised what I was doing wrong. I was clicking the item nothing was happeneing. You have to left click drag it down below to an empty square. Then it lights up and tells you How much it costs. When you have friends that are in a hurry to level up feel you are in a rush to get things done you cant quite enjoy it. Luckily…
Omg that sux! Id love the Pay to play option or become a paid member. Tehn again they dont have houses you can enter bed to sleep on or animations to really use like Sl does. So No I wouldnt pay for this verison probably. If they had more realitics versions where you can have a house lock the doors or mark off your…
Just out of sick curiousity When you said you spend 5 gold you mean Zen?? I am curious how much zenthey give you for every dollar you spend?? On Second life its called Lindens.. you get 1000 L for 4.09 US I a really good quality skin will cost you 800 to 1000 so it goes fast.
Im curious what cities have a cash shop where you canbuy makeover scrolls and cool stuff no one else has. I have to wait til I am 10 days old to buy Zen..... I wonder if I can goto the wall mart buy a gamer card they have now and get away with it?:rolleyes:
I Deleted my charcter started over so my account name and login name are going to be diffrent.
HA ha Sounds more like Second lIfe with all the love making animations is the way you wanna go..... However if your male and have a sexy black skinned drow........well.....Ahem. Well just have to see :P One you get up about level 25 up to the bigger cities there are some good guilds to join. If your in a hurry DUDEyou so…
Stupid thing cut my message off Near Plume the water tortises..I was flying and fighting and dying :P The next made A new character and was a whole 2 levels lower and was IN the water and I was killing them in two shots@@
:mad:HUH wierd....Yeah flying and fight Not good.
Yeah it takes a while to get used to the whole doesnt it?? If you are in plume city I will talk to yas or to reach me type /Aluviell your mesg here That will whisper to me. Hopefully it will work. Sux when people are so caught up in thier stuff they ignore you like that. When you buy something click on the arrows or what…
ha ah I tok a chance went with number 1 with the dark skin and I got 3 guys fighting over me!LOVE IT!
this is boring but.......... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"/></a><br/><a href=""><img…
this is boring but........... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"/></a><br/><a href=""><img…
I suppose I could do something hella boring like this [IMG][/img]
I suppose I could do something hella boring like this[IMG]http://[/img]
If you have nothing nice to say then dont say it please I dont need a bunch of immature smart remarks or flamers > : (
Thank you Both for your time I really do appreciate it! That answerd me questions perfectly! Very kind of you! Ill go in game find out how much a scroll costs. and how much zen it needs. Many many adomos! And many adomos for the server answer! I was super lucky today!
Thank you!!! From what I understand Diffrent servers use diffrent coinage?? So some servers dont use Zen? I dont believe I pick a server. Which probably explains why half the time players are killing each other and then not doing it. I guess I better make sure to click heavens tear Each time. I am pretty sure the PVP wasnt…
Ok I want to make sure I am correct in this. Because Im new I already tried buying Zen so I have to wait. I might be able to at this point. I can get a makeover scroll buy getting one from a cash shop? And I have to use Zen not gold to do this? It might just be worth blowing off my level 7 charcter and creating a new one.
Domo!! Cash Shop I hope there is one in Plume I have a hard time Buying anything Why cant I buy anything? Does the makeover scroll change one thing or can I change everything?
In the city of Plume where I am currently at I saw a pet trainer or Pet person standing inbetween the pillars. I saw the option to buy feed.
I know that part! do you use zen to buy more gold so you can get more items ingame? What is Zen for? Why buy zen if you earning the gold ingame to buy items? I am still confused.