thats fine, as long as you attempt to be active
When I PK, i dont gloat. hell, sometimes i even offer to party with them and help them finish there quest. I've even apoligized to a few for slowing their leveling process. I'm a nice PK ^^
good we are glad to have you in our guild
I may have not been clear on how you join, but thats because im open to several methods. Yell me you in game name here, or pm me. I'm also ingame but i wish not to b e contacted/known of at the moment. Once i find a representative, they will be taking down names for the remainder of CB, and I'll be able to be contacted the…
ummm.. gank tactics? this may be a weird place to ask the question, but i never really knew what a gank was and how is it diffrent from any other pk... someoen fill me in?
Organziation is good, now we just need a following. lol
PM sent Mystic
I must speak with mystic directly, What is his/her ingame name?