If anyone has the issue of a missing action hotbar (be it F1-7 and 1-6), try changing your monitor settings in-game from Windowed to Full-Screen, and back again. You should see your missing action bar hiding at the bottom of your screen. I had this problem, and had NO idea how to find it, until I tried adjusting my…
I'd rather not want to re-install the game yet again for the 3rd time. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, is there a possible fix for it so that it doesn't happen? It's sort of a pain in the butt.
I really need help with this one! I have been stuck on it once before, and I had to do a total re-install of my PW game. When I was on my wizard, I had both my action bars on the bottom of the screen (F1-F6 and 1-6). When I re-logged into my wizard again, my F1-F7 action bar went missing. I have looked high & low, but yet…