Looks like they spawned the Treasure Map boss in the middle of West Arch. Neat. b:chuckle
I don't understand this talk about bm's and sins needing uber refines and hp to FARM. A standard 5 aps build for sins even with +5 refines on armor is more than enough to farm. And tbh, I've seen 7k bms in nirvana, bhs, and tt 3-x and they seem to be doing just fine. Personally, I have a sin which I love playing, never got…
Why is it that you love HT so much? So many hateful posts in one day. b:cute
News page is up, ijs.
Can't help but wonder how you went from 60 to 80 in 5 days without hypers. b:shutup
Barb: What the person above me said. Veno: boring as hell. All you do is pass out sparks and heal pet once in a while. Rarely wanted in squads. Archer: Their endless supply of smexiness never seems to run out. Cleric: My most hated class. When in FC on my mystic, I've met quite a few clerics who literally YELLED at me for…