heya ur signatures are great if u could do one for me id be really really happy ^ _ ^ my char name is livebynight and i play on the sanctuary server as a BM and i love dark purple
heya im interested in your signitures what are the details plz ^ _ ^ id love to have one
the job u did on tis video was amazing, i love this gam so much and it angers me when people say it is a copy of WoW, Perfect world is nothing like Wow, it is a complelty different experiance, the mosnters are different and it has alot different mounts, so thank you so much for making perfect world look so perfect ^ _ ^
im am amazed ive never seen anything like tht before ur art is great ^ _ ^ just the way her face look makes u stare at it and wonder what she's thinking , amazing job canrt wait to see more of ur art ^ _ ^
thnks srry if i seem noobish but i didnt knw wht kinda questiosn to ask jsut want to be good at this game is all
i think that if you hadnt put ur points into mag, then ud have plenty of other points to distribute to strength and vitality, but i see where ur coming from more mag=more mp for skills, im new to the game and i havnt run outta mp yet. just try to distribute ur points a lil more towards strength and vitality thts my view on…
i am definatly a duel blade and axe BM. i love the fact of two weapons attacking, but i also prefer the two handed axe to, i love having a strong wep and the axe does it for me but when i want speed i go for the duel blades without a doubt.
i think tht fists make alot better pvp weps, they have a quicker attack rate and if used right are better than a sword, but if needed u can still switch over to a sword, but i sitll prefer fists they are also a bit showoffy becuase of the kool fighting moves.
me personally i think fists are better you hit more often and if u ask me it is a bit more showoffy.