liss18 Arc User


  • I'd say 2 str 2 vit for HP and 1 Dex. Fists suck
  • Problem: Saftey Lock was 'magically' activated, EVEN THO I DIDNT CLICK ANYTHING THAT WAS REALTED TO SAFTEY LOCK OR SEE ANY WARNING MESSAGES, I am very careful with what I click and read EVERYTHING b4 I mess with settings. I just logged on and poof, saftey lock has been activated. I dont know how to fix it or where to find…
  • I accidently activated Saftey Lock unknowingly and have no idea how I did it. Help! Q: "Where is the Saftey Lock Window in the first place? I've been searching and researching but still cant find it." Q: "Does Saftey Lock affect my mail or anything else?" I sent myself some mail with another account, switching back and…