lol im kinda new and dont noe the my-pw terms sorry but thanks big help guys =P i'll just ask my friend to translate xD
np anytime
oh and someone please tell me wat the biggest boss in the game is =O thanks
ya u can. but u can only do it in OB. go to the auctioneer and u can exhange ur in game $ for sum zen. as for the 2nd question i dont think u can sorry :|
lol thanks u guys are fast xD
lol chyea i guess im one rare person xS
well thanks for the info & advice guys preciate it d('.'d)
umm lol im no troll just a person whos confused thats all =D
lol wth is a troll people keep sayin that yo
ah ic ic :|
256MB ATI Radeon X1300PRO is the one i currently have :p lol is there any cards u can download for free? xP
thanks a lot ur were a great help =o but do u know any sites i can get better graphic cards?
and how do i find out wat my graphik card really is :o?
lol big words xD please say that agen but sumthing that i can fully interpret :3
lolz wats a graphics card? im new to dis kinda stuff =o