So whyd only the simple questions get answered why does the gms consistantly ignore the other questions😂 people in this game really need to start voicing thier opinion more after all we pay yalls bills not visa vera😶
This is about a fraction of the actual questions asked🕵
Stop updating and just fix current things please we have enough skills not a good variation of endgame gears not everyone wants to be an aa veno or la sin we lost the verastility of choice in ranked gears and fashon quite frankly is useless unless you guys plan on adding stats to that too 👀 👀 id like progression theres no…
Non legendary pets suck 😂😂😂 just straight trash. Heal pet at least compensated for that with no cooldowns to save the squishy venos newbpeople will jot have any solo play its a dumb idea. Ttr armors are not anything past g16 qnd g17 or r8 to r9 do im genuinely saying how theres shadow ashura g15 s2armor yeah around 770…
Why do you guys have to keep updating our skills etc just remove books quit nuking our current skills and give us better armor and occasionally a new dungeon you guys are making this way more complicated than it needs to be on the sence when i started in 2011 i knew what my class was what it did and why i chose it now…