Its gonna be awesome ^^ exp boost + the expension and~ just in time my exams just finished as well :D
xD wooot i cant wait~ ive been waiting for an english version to come out and dont say the malaysian version since i have a malaysia server game.. SDO-X i can understand them but i want good english since english isnt really 2nd language in malaysia i know cuz... im from malaysia but i moved to NZ o.o i hope we can get in…
o.o i dont know if its been posted and it might be very late but if you still want to have a look at the game for a couple of lvls is still giving out beta keys just type in user name and password and click sign in, the beta key should appear Dx sorry if its soooo late tho…
xD hey peoples im gonna be in pve server as well frankly i dont like the idea of pvp so much i mean why would you want to get killed while questing etc etc just go to an arena and kill peoples there x]