lhmule Arc User


  • Ok every 10th level will be a pain too get through unless you manage too get your next set of gear bought/farmed, sharded an refined in the previous 9. Great thing is an what you philistines dont realise is that the other levels inbetween will be far easier too achieve. She'll have her skills AT LEVEL which is somthing…
  • Brael no matter how good you think you are, your not that good at letting your herc keep aggro. Its moot point a good wizard or archer will always pull aggro from that stinking pet. Back on topic. Simple solution for the devs an GM's TAKE THE PACK OUT THE GAME Not sure if you guys already noticed but people are leaving…
  • Wanna fix it? Take the aniverssary packs out the cash shop. Make them drop from random mobs instead. Cap the gold price. This needs too be done immedatly. Servers been up 14 hours now an every minute of time gets another lunar item in the hands of somebody thats just opened his or her wallet/purse. I had really high hopes…