lenc Arc User


  • @Maelael: alright thanks for the explaination of the use of each weapon! b:pleased And many poeple say that i should build my character as a axe/fist user... but axe need alot of strength and little of dex while fist need alot of dex and little of strength. In the end, its obvious that i will by weaker than other BM since…
  • haaaa... ok... it mean that i haven't saw the time passing too... (don't know if i'm sawing it right...). well thank you for the awnser guys ^^ was it 10h non-stop playing?
  • yeah, its sure that having a test account maybe useful for some reason but for those, like me, who prefere having 1 account... the deleting time is quite too long. and, anyway, fixing this shouldn't be realy long. i mean, you go in the game programme, change the time and put it in the next patch. i made some little game…
  • lol that almost like it... i can't play with the same character for long without being bored by that charatcer and , right now, my cleric is the character that should have my attention but i boost her realy bad and i have an new character idea, but that not the point. i know that delay may be useful for hundred of reason…
  • 1. i already have 8 character and create an other account is not needed whene i can have all my character on 1account. 2. i know that some poeple play only in the week-end but don't think in a selfish way and say that 7 day is alright because YOU can only play in the week-end. if the deleting time is shorter, everyone will…