landostander Arc User


  • I'm a 26 year old (I'll be 27 tomorrow on the 25th) I'm married (though my wife is not a gamer). I only play about once every other day. Unlike others I'm more of a refugee from Console gaming, and I often find myself splitting the time I have for playing games between PW and my Xbox 360. The only other MMO I've played was…
  • Actually the Vipents I've encountered around Wolf Totem Valley are lvl 11-13. I'm a lvl 12 now, I'd expect to be a level 15ish by the time the event goes down. But if the Vipents in question are so low level is it something I should even bother running all the way to Etherblade for?
  • I just recently joined PW International and completed the first of these two Banker quests. I picked up the first version of this quest (I chose to do the collection) from the Banker in City of the Lost. For the Disguise skins I killed Wandering Pyrogoths (lvl 8) outside of the Broken Bridge Village. For the Mystical Meat…