Most wanted classes are often tanks and healers, regarding PVP all classes have their pros and cons and for pve venomancers are the fastest lvlers.
Made me die 4 times too :(
Learn kitting to easy hunt close-range mobs :) Anyway you should have difficulty to kill long-range mobs.
Chrome is open-source so you will see a lot of different "spy-free" version ( if it's what you need). Google is already stocking infos about you and your privacy so it don't bother me...
No. Going pure is : every two levels : 1STR / 9INT it's because you need STR to wear equipements.
client updated. all is working good.
there are an update game version : 5
6/10 funny sign but not my style.
i plan to add borders soon :D edit : 8/10cool sign.
7/10 great
6/10 it's not my style but great sign.
9/10 great design
go PVE server ... carebear ;)
6/10 .
早上好 . Disable symbols for caracters names please.
/agree .
I play Magic class at all MMORPG so it will be Wizard even if it's hard and expensive ... WIZARD FTW !
10/10 just for the "OMGWTFHAX !1". haha
Thanks ;)
8/10 great sign. Maybe you can add some text ?
you are right, i forgot to apply the daylight saving time to Netherland.
yes it is :(
Don't forget the Daylight Saving Time. GMT+1 wil be able to play at 8 AM ;)
I know what to say to a troll, and he know what to say to a lamer. I know you love me.
I don't want to be right, i just mention a possibility :p
racists intention are not allowed here ;)
try this :
Arguing on the internet is like running at the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still ****. you arguing :)
Just act exactly like you, it is frustrating? P.S : i'm the king ;)
7/10 Great, but it can be better if you find a better render of Byakuya.