Sry to disappoint you but merging is actually happening. It doesnt matter if ya all discussed it ,as you say, it is chinas decisión and there is nothing imposible to them. Actually, they r mergin their 12 servers into 6 so we are into 1.
wow i didnt notice this before, but now i can see the CSERS Q.Q... lets be honest, A NON-CSER doesnt mind if the promo keeps going or not, we will not ever get these cards from 2300$ each so its the best to stop the charger rewards NOW, so we stop the huge gap between the haves (csers) and the have not(non-csers) or make…
I play in Harshlands since 2009, now Da. 1- why would u make a new server, we dont have enough ppl on servers, and even most quit because "how extremely expensive the game became, and second because pwi focus on people who cash shop only, leaving behind the real players who spend hours of farming playing all day long. " 2-…
thiss is one of those rich ones. who qqs the whole time. we should KOS these losers.
Wanna take a bet on when we can get those new things? [/quote] i bitterly beg u, to be in this month. otherwise give us all free S sets.
no smoke for u
it was my first time..
i completely agree, i had hope on the original devs of pw, but taking a look back, they r just ruining the farmers and non-csers ppl and promoting csing thus csers. lots of things we lost, so lots of fun and interest. then lack of motivation and lack of decent rewards.
iv just tried doing it, and my screen freezed due to the amount of players in it, i couldnt even touch the boss and didnt get the quest. GG asterelle.
QQers gonna QQ, and thats what CSERs did, but well, its time not to spend much on pwi , but others.
i bet the 100% of csers of the game, r on this forum and i bet, they r the most active with 1000 pots and so on. good job, u make this game, they way u want.
me as farmer, who made his r9 by farming, WANT 9M FOR ALL THE EFFORt, AND TIME I SPENT On this game, which is and focus only on the rich (CSERS)
all the rich complaining coz they have to cs to make coins in game, whereas we the poor have to farm and buy gold from them. But what about if we get free 9m to buy their golds? thats the point, they'll get mad! and thats what just occured, all csers that r always in forum, to get first advatange of something that is…
wow srsly? is this game runned by 4 years old people or what? are u being persuaded by few players who r active on forums, and coz they have it all and cs their whole life in pwi they rage coz of 9m? it seems, you just care the few ones which participate in forums and qq the whole time, for everthing. if u offering us…
well at last pwi started thinking about the poor and not only on the rich ppl.
xD what a pity i was thinking to make a wf and buy a fenix however it is still too expensive in my opinion and like this face u put in "b:cry" haha b:bye